I don't always cross the road. I don't always have my eyes open to see wounded travelers. Sometimes I'm pretty careful to keep my eyes off everything except my immediate objective. Wounded people can be messy and time-consuming. Come to think of it, I'm pretty messy and time-consuming, sometimes.
We met the pastor of Pathways Community Church, Bill Losasso a month ago at an anti-human-trafficking/victim support event. I wasn't surprised that a Christian would be there; I was surprised that a Christian pastor would be there, and not just to do the opening prayer. We chatted briefly after the event, and it quickly became evident that Pathways is not the average Southern Baptist church.
We lunched with Bill last week to learn more. He tells a story of the time when some Baptist leaders came to visit: tour, meet and greet, pray, etc. Later, Bill asked them, "Y'know who you just prayed with?"
"Your ministry leaders, right?"
"Yeah. Several of them are recovered alcoholics. A few more are recovered drug addicts. One served time for attempted murder." He could have added: "And the pastor is an ex-hippie and druggie who's been in jail five times, one of those in Mexico." So much for "perfect people under shiny plastic steeples." (See the Casting Crowns song here.)
Um, not your average Southern Baptist (or any other denomination) church. Bill and the others who planted Pathways wanted a church that could reach people like they had been before they met Jesus: dopers, crooks and general screwups. The truth is, behind every "doper, crook and general screwup" there's a human being, created by God, made in his image, and loved by him. That's the good news; you know, that Good News thing.
Pathways is largely composed of rescued people and those who would like to help. When someone saves your life, you don't forget them. I'll never forget Dr. Evan Cohen, who did my heart bypass surgery 13 years ago. I'll never forget Dr. Al Pacifico, aka "El Terrifico," who did Cyndi's heart valve surgery 28 years ago and again 6 years ago.
I'll never forget Jesus. People on a fast train to the bridge-out sign never forget who catches them at the brink. Neither will the other rescues at Pathways. Jesus is what I want to be, maybe a little more each day. Same thing they want. The ground is level at the foot of the cross: each of us crawls up to it with a backpack full of sins and wounds. We all need the same savior, and we all need the significance that only his eyes can bring.
If it's practical stuff for real people in real messes, Pathways seems to be interested in it: Addiction recovery, victim support, and generally welcoming people to Jesus. Imagine that. Bill uses a little point-of-view exercise to remind us, and maybe even himself, of where we stand:
So imagine a visitor walking into the door of your church, workplace, or home. Are they met with a greeting or an inspection?
If it's an inspection, then "lofty glances from lofty people [who] can't see past her scarlet letter" (CC song here), will send her on her way, still alone, and believing yet again that Christians don't care and that God doesn't care. But if it's a greeting and a welcome; well, she'll never, ever forget that either.
Science-fiction writer Greg Bear observed a few years ago, "We can define a culture by what it sees and what it doesn't see." (Slant
[1] Quite a number of extremely well-educated people challenged Jesus' knowledge of scriptures. It usually didn't go so well for them. One such expert asked Jesus the equivalent of a 1+1 question, was given the customary return-question "How do you read it?", and gave the standard answer:
"The Scriptures say, `Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, strength, and mind.' They also say, `Love your neighbors as much as you love yourself.' "
Then, looking for a way to make himself look good, he asked Jesus, "So just who is my fellow man?" He was looking for a simple answer, I suppose, or another formulaic, all-us-experts-know-this-one answer. He got the parable of the Good Samaritan in return.
The "road" in the story is actually a path cut into a cliffside that runs down from Jerusalem to Jericho, which is ferocious terrain. If someone's lying wounded on the way, you have to squeeze past with a lethal drop on one side and solid rock on the other. The wounded traveler isn't "out of the way," he's in the way. You have to work hard to avoid a ministry opportunity when the devil plants one right in your path. Nonetheless, most of us avoid the obvious.